is a Love Language


LaShasta Bell

I help overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, high-achievers live longer.

  • International Speaker

  • Certified Sleep Expert

  • Author

  • Certified Corporate Wellness Coach

  • Licensed Professional Counselor- Supervisor


Organizations & Corporations I've Worked With

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Leidos logo.  (PRNewsFoto/Leidos)
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Professional Sleep Strategist _ LB

Boost Your Productivity & Enhance Your Well-being

Hey! Hey! As the professional sleep strategist, I am dedicated to guiding individuals, organizations, and corporations toward healthier, more fulfilling, and productive lives by unlocking the transformative power of sleep. Through my expertise in sleep science and my passion for supporting others, I help people break free from the shackles of sleep deprivation and embrace the restorative benefits of deep, restful slumber.

What I Offer

How I Can Help You Thrive

From personalized coaching to corporate wellness, I unlock the power of sleep for individuals, organizations, and corporations.


Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day! That's what I help people achieve. With my personalized sleep coaching, you'll learn how to sleep soundly and wake up energized, boosting your health, productivity, and overall well-being. Learn More


Sleep is the secret weapon of successful organizations. I design and implement comprehensive sleep wellness programs that address the unique needs of members. Through workshops, sleep assessments, and engaging strategic training, I help organizations foster a culture of sleep awareness and appreciation, improving personal health, productivity, and engagement which leads to an increased bottom line and members who stick around. Learn More


Want to increase your bottom line and employee retention? Invest in sleep! I serve as a trusted advisor, providing tailored sleep solutions that align with their business goals and objectives. By promoting healthy sleep habits among their employees, corporations can reap the rewards of a more energized, productive, and resilient workforce, driving innovation and enhancing overall success. Learn More


Real Results from Real People

This was a wonderful experience! From the space that was created, the open discussions, the time incorporated to allow for processing and reflecting over the information presented, the opportunity to engage and interact with co-workers in a meaningful and constructive way! I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone wanting MORE from themselves and with the people they work with!
Retreat Attendee

Texas City ISD-Levi Fry

You developed a warm atmosphere where people were willing to open up and share their own personal stories. The dialogue that ensued was extremely meaningful and purposeful. You truly have a gift for making a crowd of strangers feel comfortable while encouraging them to dig deep in order to grow emotionally and intellectually. The discussion could have easily continued for an additional hour due to the audience's genuine engagement.

I have heard nothing but rave reviews from attendees and deep regrets from those who were unable to be there. Thank you again for your guidance, humor, and courage in bringing awareness to a difficult subject. It was very much appreciated!

Lea Houghland

Diversity & Inclusions Chair at Leidos, Inc.

This one hour session is something I absolutely needed right now.  I have done a lot of research about getting a good night's sleep, but I still run into sleepless nights occassionally and there is always something more to learn on the topic.  LaShasta introduced us to the acronym B-E-D, and elaborated on what each step is and how to implement it.  This three step process is going to change my life!  I'm certain of it.

Andrea H.

Yelp Workshop Participant

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